Digital Campaigns Ideas: 3 Creative Digital Campaigns That Created Engagement and Reflection

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Digital Campaigns Ideas


Digital Campaigns Ideas

During 2014 numerous digital campaigns were launched worldwide, most of them with a clear business purpose, however also designed some whose purpose was to reflect the target and even move him creatively. 

As every year in the end, is often to recount those events that caused impact on different areas. Also with respect to digital marketing it has made a review of the best strategies, although this is not an account that evaluates Maybe if campaigns made some outstanding reflect the public and call to action. Below is a choice of three worldwide campaigns that were recognized for their creativity and the engagement they got.

Digital Campaigns Ideas: 3 Creative Digital Campaigns That Created Engagement and Reflection Share on X

1. The Most Powerful Arm (Australia)

In the awards given by the magazine Advertising Age, the international agency Reactive won the medal Digital Campaign of the Year 2014, in the small agency category.

The Most Powerful Arm (The most powerful arm) is the name of this digital strategy that worked closely Reactive agencies like Havas Worldwide, Finch and Red. The winning work involves a robot that can be manipulated through the connection Facebook.

This campaign was designed to Save Our Sons, a small charity that supports affected a rare disease called DMD, which is a muscle dysmorphia attacking a child in 3500.

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The institution, based in Australia, helps raise funds for new treatments to combat the effects of the degenerative disease. The idea of making the request through a bionic robot in the most popular social network, emerged in an effort to get more government funding to support the cause, for it people were invited to sign in Facebook in favor of this initiative, whose response was immediate and positive, as it managed to engagement with users, enabling the campaign to be dispersed social networks.

2. Moon (Spain)

The Moon (Luna) campaign for the company ING Direct is a sample of how a storytelling successfully done, so much so that the hand of the agency Ogylvy Spain, won a Silver Lion in the Mobile category in the subcategory Interface & Navigation, in the same way, is already on the shortlist of Cyber.

The aim of this campaign is designed by Ogylvy turn around a reality of many children who need resources for their education and have a better quality of life, through Moon, ING Direct sought to raise funds for UNICEF during the holiday season last year.

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This idea instructs in the use of storytelling to create a link with the target to move and invite be part of the initiative of ING Direct and change the history of many children in a fun and interactive user involving smartphone and PC .

3. The Scarecrow (United States)

One of the campaigns that were praised in the most important international festival of the communication industry and creativity Cannes Lions in France is Scarecrow for Chipotle brand.

This campaign made in Los Angeles by the agency CAA Marketing certainly makes the audience think about the excesses in the industrialization of the food in a playful way and making use of gamification in fact this aspect was one of those who made people are hooked, because besides the attractive spot, this strategy included a digital very interactive part with the audience by playing Smartphone consumers can download.

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In short, it is well known that in marketing storytelling causes the client a range of emotions that lead him to marry a brand and even encourage buying, that’s no secret, the novelty is doing an interactive way involved and to achieve engagement. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.