Top 10 SEO Link Building Techniques for 2020

Top 10 SEO Link Building Techniques for 2020

Link building has always been a primary element of a performance based SEO approach. When done right, it helps in a high organic search ranking. 

With inbound links, accountable to increase 50 to 80% of search engine rankings, no one can deny the significance of link building for making a business successful.  

Top 10 SEO Link Building Techniques for 2020 Share on X

Unfortunately, implementing the wrong link building tactics can take your website towards disaster. Do you still depend on outdated link building strategies for improving your SERP rankings?

Link Building

If so, then you are far behind the success as doing link building is very tricky nowadays. To help you gain more quality links and improve SERPs ranking, this blog is a complete guide.

What are Google’s Rules When it Comes to Link Building?

  • Google loves high-quality links, disregards the low-quality links while penalizing the website if it notices any spamming activity.
  • Further, Google has declared that links are the topmost factor for ranking the website and without links, ranking is quite challenging. 
  • The core algorithms of Google are based on links that have not changed since the launch of Google. 

1. Identify your Audience

Identifying your target audience is the key to making a successful link building strategy. For this reason, you need to craft the content and links that exactly match your audience preferences. Irrelevant content and links would not drive any traffic towards your site and put all your efforts into waste.

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Therefore, it’s essential to do thorough market research and analyze your audience as much as you can. You need to cover these aspects while analyzing your target customer.

  • Who is your audience?
  • What are their interests?
  • What are their needs and problems?
  • What is their core demographic?

Answering these questions will significantly help you to create links and content for your target audience and brings relevant traffic to your sites. 

2. Make A List of Websites That Appeal To Your Desired Audience

Once, you get a clear understanding of your audience, it’s time to make a list of websites that can help you approach the new audience. Find the websites that look appealing to your target audience. These website links can help you to capture a new pool of audience. 

3. Seek Out Relevant Sources for Your Links

For making high-quality backlinks, you need to find reliable website sources. The more domain authority and reliability your sources have, the more trust you will get in return.

Not only this, but you also need to target the sources like blogs and guests posts that can increase the reach of your target audience. 

In this way, the links you will create on the sources will be more effective to engage your audience and build trust towards your website. 

4. Publish Content that Attracts Links Naturally

The tricky yet the most effective tactic to increase your brand awareness and build trust. Always curate the content that naturally attracts your relevant traffic and readers. Whenever you write anything for your brand, be a concern about its readability. Your content must be well-organized, meaningful and free form grammar issues. 

5. Write Case Studies

Case studies are the goldmine for backlinks, that always bring unique and new information. While writing case studies, make sure you have done thorough research, and provide verified data to your readers. 

When writing case studies, cover the following aspects.

  • Data background
  • Selected time frame
  • Challenges
  • Results and takeaways 

6. Outreach Your Guest Posts

Guest posts are a great source for earning backlinks. Before writing guest posts, do proper research of the website, write exceptional content and publish it on a reliable website. A trustworthy website always has some tight guest blogging rules and sometimes they can take a lot of time to accept your submitted content. 

Make sure you have done an appropriate guest posting outreach and emphasize on the quality of your email. It can be the only chance to earn some natural backlink. 

7. Outreach Your Social Media

Revolutionizing the whole aspects of marketing, social media networks are a boon to effective link building strategies. You are in a big loss if you have still not started using social media to market your brand. 

Bloggers and brands like to engage with you on social media. This engagement also provides link building opportunities such as content mentions, exchanges, and guest posts. One of the most efficient social media link building strategies is to connect with other blogs in your niche.

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Be active on social media by sharing new updates, posts, and images about your brand. Share and promote your content on various social media channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and get more chances to achieve connections. 

8. Don’t Buy Links

Going for this approach means nothing except wasting money on a collection of bad links. Instead of buying backlinks, invest your time and money in curating high-quality content and market your site in a way that attracts the links naturally. Using this tactic requires patience but it can ultimately help your site to achieve the best results. 

9. Find Brand Mentions

A powerful tool for monitoring the presence of several businesses, websites, people and products, etc. If you are doing it for your target customers, Mention is worth to buy. If in any case, someone has cited your brand but did not link to your website, then mention helps to approach the content owners.

10. Create and Distribute Infographics 

Creating and distributing infographics is another powerful link building strategy that can boost your SEO by improving your domain authority and increasing website traffic. You might be thinking of infographics as an outdated strategy, but the fact is that they are a great source of adding value to your guest posts and blogs. Not using infographics in your link building strategy means you are missing a lot of organic traffic. Infographics play a great role in generating never-ending organic traffic and bringing quality links to your website. 

Research has found that infographics are accountable to generate 37% of more backlinks than standard blogs. Hence, using infographics in guest posts is a link building tactic that you cannot ignore. Visual content must be an essential part of your blog posts. 


With so many tactics to boost your organic traffic and enhance your search engine ranking, link building is the most challenging yet the most crucial one. However, you need to clearly understand the outlined strategies and the ways to bring quality links.

Good luck with your next project!!! 

General FAQs

Why link building is important in SEO?

Link building is important because it is a major factor in how Google ranks web pages. Google notes that: “In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages.”

What is backlink in SEO?

In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology a backlink is a hyperlink that links from a Web page, back to your own Web page or website. Also called an Inbound Link (IBL) these links are important in determining the popularity (or importance) of your Web site.

How does link building work?

Link building is the practice of building one-way hyperlinks (also known as “backlinks”) to a website with the goal of improving search engine visibility. Common link building strategies include content marketing, building useful tools, email outreach, broken link building and public relations.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.