Product design is also important!

Design Thinking

Design Thinking

Marketing professionals usually focus more on the communication part than on the product side. Although one of the first things that we must assume for the success of a company is to have a quality product that provides great value to the target audience, or not?

Is it more important to have a good marketing strategy or a good product?

This is a question that is often asked by many students when they start the Marketing Degree in the University. They tend to give more importance to the marketing strategy.

The same happens to students of the Degree related to Design Thinking. According to the students who study product design in Madrid, specifically in the ESNE (the only university center in Spain that offers this type of degree in Product Design). They believe that good product design is the most important thing.

What do you think? 

Every year a wide variety of products of all types are launched. Many of them with the great idea of changing the world, be very useful to users. Although the truth is that most of these die before reaching the year of life in the market.

Integration between the marketing and product design department is necessary

Throughout my experience in marketing I have been able to see high quality products that have disappeared for being “too good” but not very useful for what users really want. Although on the other hand, I have seen great marketing campaigns that have sold hundreds of copies of a product, but that by their poor quality they have died in the short or medium term.

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One of the current goals for any company is to get a good user experience and satisfaction. For this it is necessary that marketing and product development are understood and create a unique team.

Marketing can bring insight

The marketing team through the analysis of the market, the competition, the real needs of the users can define the type of product that will be better accepted by the market.

But it is very important that they know how to convey all this information to the product designers so they can make it happen.

Creating the perfect product is a thing of specialized designers

On the other hand, the product designers well trained in Desing Thinking competencies are those who know the methods of industrial production, innovation, technology and interaction.

Although they are also able to identify the positioning of the brand, meet the consumers and develop their creativity to give innovative solutions.

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It is true that these profiles are difficult to find. If you want to train in product design in Madrid one of the best alternatives is the ESNE. Where you will acquire all the necessary skills.

If you want to train in product design in Madrid one of the best alternatives is the ESNE Share on X

Therefore, the answer to the initial question is that the ideal is to achieve integration between the two teams. Dont you think?

We are waiting your comments! 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.