How to Create Buyer’s Intent and Drive Sales in 2019? An Easy Guide for Digital Marketing Agencies!

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How to Create Buyer’s Intent and Drive Sales in 2019 An Easy Guide for Digital Marketing Agencies

I started advertising 15 years ago. At that time marketing your products was a real deal. Hoping that customers will reach to buy products was the underlying assumption. 

Move forward ten years, andwe’re still faced with the same problem. The solution: instead of waiting for the customers to buy the product, why not take your products to your customers.

How to Create Buyer’s Intent and Drive Sales in 2019: An Easy Guide for Digital Marketing Agencies? Share on X

There is no way you can steal a customer’s intent without doing some leg work. If you know what customers are thinking, you will be able to serve those customers in a much better way. One way to do it is to understand the intent of the customer.

Drive Sales gif

Here is how to create a buyer’s intent instead of following the old-school models.

Start by understanding the customer journey

Brands who are successful in the modern marketplace understand that since its inception the customer journey has evolved. In today’s market, it is no longer about people finding the product;now is the time when a product finds people.

Let me give you a personal example. I am the sort of guy who loves to go to malls for shopping, but due to office work, I was not able to buy clothes. While working on an app, I came to this beautiful outfit ad, and guess what, I bought it instantly. Moreover, furthermore, I signed-up for monthly updates from the brand.

While digital agencies are working on the segmented market, they are more focused on customer buyer’s journey. By using tools like Hubspot and Google Analytics agencies are analyzing the stage and making the best use of it.

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As a digital agency, you must learn to understand the intent of the customer before moving forward. The journey of the customer starts when the customer sees your ad. This is the first step. The next step is to engage the customer. When engaging your customer, you must ensure that you give the customer what they are looking for. Instead of making guesses, you should work on going on the long-haul and help the customer solve their problem.

Awareness is the actual key

I am one of the best supporters of Facebook marketing. It provides an opportunity to develop brand awareness as well as reach out to customers at every stage. For instance, let us take an example from Toyota. To reach customers from every stage Toyota initiated a campaign to promote the Camry launch.

Facebook collaborated with Toyota to design full suite ads with various design formats like videos ads, Instagram stories, Canvas and leads ads. The audience was primed by using Facebook’s TRP (Targeted Rate Point) product which boosted the touchpoints and optimized Toyota to reach the maximum number of people. As a result, in this campaign, there was a 17% increase in the sales from a various untapped segment of users.

Another prime example is of American Express. The goal was to create attention-grabbing ads to make the maximum use of Open charge card. To achieve this, American Express considered using Canvas ad format.

The most significant advantage of using Canvas ad format is that it gives the feel of print advertising. It can create thumb-stopping and eye-catching campaign from the initial story stage to awareness and lead the customer tobuy the product. You have this ability to learn about the customer and understand what they are looking for.

For American Express the campaign turned out a great success. The campaign first highlighted and targeted customers on the awareness stage. Once that is done, the benefits of using Open business were mentioned which created interest among the users. Moreover, this leads to conversions.

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The result of the campaign exceeded the expectations as the cost of ad spend decreased from 52% to around 27% which was made possible by using Canvas. A better form of ad placement than other digital ad formats in the market.

Go to your target market and analyze the phase in which they are visiting your website. If it is, the initial stage, make the necessary changes and target those customers. If the customer is in the consideration stage, give them choices and present the pros and cons of every opportunity. This will help them choose the right-fit product for them. However, one thing you need to keep in mind is to limit the number of choices. If you increase the options, there is a chance that the customer will leave without buying the product from you.

One clear solution

If you’re in charge of the brand which is willing to grow its customer’s database, then you need to start by creating brand awareness by using the latest tools and technologies. Instead of letting people find you, go there and create a proactive strategy. Figure out a plan that is successfully working for a Web design company in Dubai and how you can implement it to gain some insights.

You must understand the intent of the customer. As a professional digital agency, it is the responsibility of the agency to learn and keep learning before its too late. Learn the art of converting data into insights. Take the data and use that data to know and understand what the customer is thinking and what is bothering your customer.

To conclude it all

It is all about sales. If your business is not giving sales, there is a reason that you are not able to understand the intent of the customer. 

General FAQ

What is buyer intent?

Buyer intent refers to the intention of a user during the process of purchasing a product or service. With the help of modern data analytics tools, marketers can map out buyer intent and determine where buyers are in the buyer’s journey, which helps improve targeting and drive sales.

What is intent data?

Intent data is behavioral information collected to drive revenue about an individual’s online activities, combining both topic and context data.

What is consumer intent?

Consumer intent may be the most powerful data that any business has access to when it comes to improving sales and establishing popularity in their industry. Consumer intent shows up when an online user conducts a search using a keyword or phrase that indicates an item or service they’re interested in.


Zubair Hassan

Zubair Hassan is a digital marketing professional working at Branex, a Dubai based professional web design agency offering mobile app development services. He knows his job as he works on minute details of marketing campaigns to make it a definite success.