Business Branding Ideas: How To Use Facebook For Your Business Branding?

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Business Branding Ideas How To Use Facebook For Your Business Branding

What is Facebook? Just a mere platform for meeting and communicating with your friends or family? 

No. Presently, Facebook now is a social networking platform where you can turn your business into a brand.

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World Map Social Networks


You shouldn’t be. How many times you get news feed of pages promoting their service and products in Facebook? The answer is ALL-THE-TIME!

But Why Facebook and how it will make the magic happen?

Let’s give you a small insight.

Facebook Branding Gifs

There are more than 2.15 billion Facebook users from the age of 15 to 65+ years. Among these, on an average 1.74 billion people are regularly active. From the age between 17 years and 45 years are the most active users. They are also the maximum followers of pages, events and other business in Facebook. In every minute, there are around 300,000 status updates and 510,000 comments on pictures, status or pages.

Facebook Leads Social Media Landscape

Also, Facebook is one of the must have app in mobile phones making it easily accessible.

According to survey, people above the age of 40 years use Facebook the most as they find it user friendly.

Related articles: The Best Ways To Work Facebook Video Into Your Business

These segment of people hold the maximum money compared to others and if you can convert them, Viola! Your business is set.

So, what did you deduce from this data?

  • Mass Marketing
  • Lead generation
  • Branding

Facebook Business Pages Goals

More the likes and share, better will be your business. This clearly states why Facebook should be your typical platform for making your business a brand.

Now, coming to the second part. How will you achieve it?

First, let me give you an insight about the scary part. 60% of the start-ups run out of business within 1 year.

Why? Because the art of marketing has never been easy!

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Here you will get some valuable ideas/ tips on how to conduct a successful marketing in Facebook.

  1. Don’t forget that in the end it’s a Social Media platform

People come here with the motive of entertainment and you need to provide them with the same. You have to provide things that will attract the readers and finally they will visit your page/ website.

In short you have to creatively draw traffic.

  1. Visual effect

Videos on Facebook

You need to grab the attention of your audience widely by uploading visually appealing content like images, videos, GIFs and there are so many more in the list now. These content are going to create a beautiful buzz and give you the chance to portray your talent here.

Related articles: Facebook: Promotional Platform For Your Personal Brand

  1. Communication

Never be late to reply. If your followers have an opinion or comment to share, it is your responsibility to reply back. This is the start of an interactive communication making your clients feel important.

Facebook Conversions

Tip: Try to send personalized invites to your followers. This has proved to be a game changer for many!

  1. Back linking

If you know the art of backlinking, there is a huge prospect waiting for you. You can draw traffic from different sites and bring them to your site. This is also a very successful way of lead generation.

Download PDF – How To Use Facebook For Your Business Branding?

If you know how to do this correct, Social Media will serve you with the best. Kick start your business from hiring Facebook Ad Agency soon!


Ayorima Mitra

Following the magic embedded in words, I pen them down in my blogs. I am very passionate about travelling and baking as well. Presently, I'm working in the Digital Marketing Sector and find it to be immensely interesting as well! hope my readers enjoy my blogs!