How to Create the Perfect Instagram Ad in 10 Minutes?

How to Create the Perfect Instagram Ad in 10 Minutes

Instagram ads provide a great method for sharing the content with 1 billion users on the platform. They are priceless to grow your followers, build the brand and drive sales. 

The main keys to successful ad strategy on Instagram are refining and experimenting. Rapidly producing and testing Instagram ads will assist you in learning quickly what can work best for you and what is your targeted audience. Don’t spend a lot of time on these things but get a basic understanding of the highly important elements for making awesome ads.

How to Create the Perfect Instagram Ad in 10 Minutes? Share on X

Here is a guide for you on making perfect Instagram ads in just 10 minutes.

So, are you ready? Let’s dive in!

Min 1: Set the goals

Set the actions which you want to be taken by people as they view your ads. The Instagram ads aren’t like the pocket knife: it must have just one objective. Do you want to promote your new products? Share the limited-new offers? Raise awareness regarding your brand?

Set your objectives which aligns in the best way with your marketing goal.  Buy Instagram Likes, It must be simple and clear to your audience and to you. Keep these for your next 9 minutes.

Min 2-3: Think of your audience

After this, spend one or two minutes in deciding which audience you want to target by using your ads. Know your audience before making ads.

Keep these tips in your mind:

Be clear in your focus

If your objective is to target as many people as possible, it may be good to set the audience filters wide. However, keeping your focus on demographics can provide you with more beneficial data regarding the interests and preferences of your audience and finally helps in refining your ads.

Don’t wear out your welcome

This is one common thing among all audiences of Instagram: small attention span. Don’t make people get bored with your ads, so make the setting to expire them after a few days.

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Min 4-5: Use compelling images

Now is the time to work on Instagram’s favorite part: the visuals.

Instagram ads can be in the form of videos or photos. So, here are the tips to pick a catchy photo for your ad:

Pick a demonstrative image

The Instagram ads must be coherent with your brand’s identity and your landing page which audience get to see as they click on it.

Use high-quality photos

Regardless of how amazing your offers are if you use the poor-quality image, your viewers will scroll down in search of better-quality content.

Showcase your offer

If you want to promote your offer, showcase your offer directly into the image. Only be sure that you don’t comprise on quality of your image.

Evoke Emotion

Consider about your audience here too. Think of what will appeal them the most and how to evoke emotions in them for your ad?

Min 6 – 8: Make your copy

High-quality images are the basics of Instagram ads for showing the brand’s personality and driving engagement. Follow these simple rules to make the killer copy.

Stay focused

Think of a goal that you set 6 minutes ago.

Whatever your goal is, reflect it through the captions.

Use the character count cleverly

You can use around 2000 characters in your Instagram caption. But, in actual, you don’t require that much count for explaining your offer. As just first some lines are visible, put the highly important words at the start of the caption.

Develop urgency

Make your audience to act by putting stress and tell them that it is a limited time offer.

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Min 9 -10: give some finishing touches

You are near to end! Only the last few steps for wrapping up your ad.

Pick up your destination

Where do you want to send people as they click on your ad? A focused and clear landing page can drive conversions and strengthen your offer. After sending them, be sure about the next step – signing up, purchase, or subscriptions.

Include CTAs

There is a menu of CTAs on Instagram. Pick up the one which aligns with your goals and copy.

Take a final Look at your masterpiece

Spend a moment to look at your ads overall. Never pace through at this step! You have got one full minute still.

What if the highly vital part of the offer is being cut off? Review your copy.

What if you have a redundant CTA? Edit the caption or change the CTA selection.

Also, this is the time to double check grammar, spelling and tone. It is quite astonishing (and embarrassing) how to miss a lot of typos.

And you are done! You created a perfect ad on Instagram in just 10 minutes. And the best thing is that this ad making process will offer you real insights about your social marketing plan. Good luck! 

General FAQs

How much does Instagram ads cost?

How much does it cost to advertise on Instagram? Quick answer: The average Instagram ads CPC is around $0.50 – $1.00. You will pay more in highly competitive industries, e.g. apparel. Instagram ads cost can reach up to $3.00 per click.

How long should you run an Instagram ad?

You can make Instagram video ads up to 60 seconds long, but according to data from Wistia, the first 30 seconds of a social video is what matters most. If you can hook your audience in that timeframe, they’re more likely to stick around and engage with your business!

Why You Should Use Instagram ads?

Instagram Ads gives you an opportunity to create well-rounded campaigns for users at all stages of the funnel, more effectively build brand awareness and driving conversions at the same time.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.