According to Dr. Valerie Young, seven out of 10 people suffer or have ever suffered from a disorder called “impostor syndrome”.
According to Young, “Millions of women and men around the world, from successful business leaders, to bright students or actresses like Kate Winslet, are secretly worried about not being as capable as everyone thinks”
Have you ever feel that you are a fraud and will discover your deception and do not deserve what you have not really have much talent?
Do you think your professional achievements or congratulations for your work are undeserved or are just a product of good luck and you should not feel proud of them?
If you have felt identified, possibly you’re experiencing Impostor Syndrome.
What is the impostor syndrome?
Impostor Syndrome is defined as the set of feelings of inadequacy and insufficient, the feeling of being a fraud, even when there is objective information that indicates that it is not true.
Involves a complex situation because who suffers does not believe the evidence showing that the opposite is true what he feels completely objectively.
It is therefore among actors, musicians, celebrities, entrepreneurs, executives, bloggers virtually anyone with the common pattern of being people who are getting hits or good things in greater or lesser degree.
Who suffers feels he does not deserve the success, awards and congratulations you get and feel afraid that someone finds out that really does not deserve the good things received, that actually has not talented enough to deserve to be recognized or congratulated etc.
Find out if you’re hurting yourself Impostor Syndrome. @ annuska78
Common indicators Impostor Syndrome
- You tend to admire and estimate the abilities of others and to underestimate yours.
- Overestimate the talents of others and underestimating yours (you do not think you have talent or as much as to deserve what you get).
- You feel incompetent although others consider you responsible for your work.
- Quitas merit your accomplishments and attribute your success to external factors (not your talent).
- Pricing and costs you your job properly assess even if you perform perfectly.
- You tend to focus more on your weaknesses than your strengths.
- You think that anyone can do what you do.
- Despite successes accumulate on merit feel that every step will discover that you are a fraud and really have not deserved this success.
- You feel that you will discover that you do not have as much talent as they think.
- You tend to consider your success to luck or coincidence but instead assume your failures and mistakes as something only your responsibility.
- Usually you have obtained certain achievements and successes (in varying degrees) but do not think deserve it.
- You feel unsafe doing your job, even if you’ve never had the same complaint and even have been congratulated.
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How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome?
Many times you push yourself too much and you yourself generate your own stress and anxiety thinking that any minute they will discover your deception is not just that does not exist except in your mind.
To overcome Impostor Syndrome simplest thing would be:
1. Become aware of it
Impostor Syndrome is something that exists in your mind but does not exist as such, is not real, is only a representation of feelings and can change. It’s something you think is a belief.
It is best to start by observing your thoughts and behavior as well as your negative autolenguaje. You may consciously or unconsciously’re sending you’re sending negative messages continuously.
Questions to help you overcome the impostor syndrome. @ annuska78
Some questions that can help you overcome the impostor syndrome are:
- If you discover as you say, what really discover? What could they tell? What have increased sales on your blog because you have improved your SEO and content and has worked extensively or has been lucky?
- What evidence do you have that professional successes have not been the result of a job well done?
- Really, are there people who have criticized your work, you have questioned you know something or you master your job?
- If your failures are your responsibility and not luck, who you are responsible for your successes?
- If people who do not know congratulate you for your content or your work, you say you’re helping them and providing value, what would you need to accept that it is true and that what you get is because you do things right?
- Are most of your customers, users, fans who do not know you personally complain about you or congratulate you?
- When your felicitas someone for a job well done, do you mean it or say it in jest or to tease? If when you say, what you say seriously, what evidence do you have that the others do not say equally seriously when you compliment or reward.
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2. Practice accepting congratulations and thanks
One of the hardest things is to accept congratulations. When you say “how good you are”, “what good work”, “how clever you are,” … we tend to reject it and answer with a half smile of embarrassment or “not at all”, “No Nonsense” etc.
Many times the excess of humility confused or avoid being seen as proud, believed, arrogant with the fact accept a well-deserved congratulations.
Over the next 7 days do accept the congratulations and positive feedback you receive.
If you say “what good I see you today” or any other positive assessment, you can try to answer “Thanks for noticing,” “Thank you for valuing”.
3. Make an audit of your successes
One of the ways of working Impostor Syndrome is to make a list of your successes and achievements and reflect on what previously did.
I propose an exercise:
If you feel reflected in any of the above cases I invite you to write on a sheet your successes, achievements and congratulations received in the last month, last year and throughout your career. Later, he notes next to each success or labor card which previously did to get that success or congratulation. Compare the list and see if there is a cause-consequence relationship between your actions and the success.
Example: You write a post, the post is visited, is shared, receive comments, congratulate you, you get more visits. It is the result of luck or you have written something that has connected with people and liked and so I share and congratulate you because you have helped them really?
4. Turn your negative autolanguage positive
What we tell ourselves is the same, and even more important what others tell us. Your autolanguage and your thoughts influence your way of doing things, your behavior and how to interpret what happens.
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If you notice your thoughts and negative autolanguage and you get a positive change, you will see how you gain confidence and sense of control.
5. Do not compare yourself with others
Do not think about the achievements of others, in the success of next or where it seems that everything is going well. Start writing your own story regardless of what they do or do not do others, just so you have the confidence to show you as you are and prove yourself.
6. Ponte realistic goals and do not hurry
If you too large, difficult to achieve objectives brands, always you feel that you do not get and you tend to blame yourself you. Plantearte is smaller, easier to achieve goals in less time and so will mean a shot of confidence to go for more.
Finally, tell you that the impostor syndrome may be the reason or one of the main causes of professionally not move as we would like. It is a form of autosabotearnos without realizing it. Therefore it is very important to detect and be gentle to work to overcome it.
Impostor syndrome prevent you advance professionally if you know how to avoid it.