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Social Media

Snapchat Success In This 2016 – What Is That?

During 2015, Snapchat opened a division of original content that later ended up closing; besides also it began offering paid content Added to this, the continuous application offering fun and original filters to allow...
Twitter reveal money earn monthly

Twitter Can Help Reveal How Much Money We Earn Monthly

A single message on Twitter can reveal more of what we want Twitter is a public forum widely known by all, if tweeted something about us we would like to keep it private, but...
Social Media 2015

5 Reasons Social Media Make Your Best Ally

Social Media will star in 2015. And not only from the point will foster emotional bonding of communicative tasks of people and companies-a use that has so much potential that deserves an article-apart, but...
10 tips to exploit the potential of Pinterest

10 Tips To Exploit The Potential Of Pinterest

In the world of social media, Pinterest in a social network that gives more importance to the visual content. Since its launch, the platform has grown exponentially and of course, if you have a...
10 Golden Rules for a Community Manager

10 Golden Rules For A Community Manager

In the world of communication 2.0, specifically when it comes to social media, there is no question of publishing, interact and get to be in social networks. A Community Manager should know that there...
The 10 commandments of a Community Manager

The 10 Commandments Of A Community Manager

It’s no secret we’ve been talking slowly the scope of the Community Manager. At first we talked about the main functions of a CM as a representative of the organization in the digital world,...
Instagram Ads vs Facebook Ads

Instagram Ads vs Facebook Ads: Instagram Ads Would Be Much More Valuable Than Facebook

The ad system is available for Instagram. Advertisers have the opportunity to put their ads on Instagram, after Facebook API offered their ads to third parties.  It has been said hypothetically in the past...