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Digital Marketing

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Opportunities world digital

Internet: How to make the most of the online world of 2017

One of the realities that we can not deny today is that the advancement of technology is evident in almost every aspect of our life, having flooded this completely in a really short period...
Design Thinking

Product design is also important!

Marketing professionals usually focus more on the communication part than on the product side. Although one of the first things that we must assume for the success of a company is to have a...
Payment models in online marketing

Payment Models In Online Marketing

If in your online marketing plan you have decided that one of the actions to be carried out is internet advertising (either display or search), you will be interested in knowing the payment models...

45% Of Online Consumers Have Suffered From Cybercrime

One in six consumers who have suffered a cyber attack have lost money through online fraud. Even 20% have lost more than € 1,100. So shocking are the data of the new research conducted by...
google accelerate mobile pages

Google Prioritizes The Indexing Of The Mobile Version In Its Search Engine

Important news! Google will finally give more importance in its rankings to the pages optimized for mobile Really this news would not have to impact or frighten us. Google has been walking in this...
Landing Page

Homepages Have Died: The Rise Of The Landing Pages On Websites

How are you directing people to your website? Let me count the ways. Holler if you see one that does not need its own landing page: Google search engine Google Adwords or advertising campaigns...
Digital Marketing Books

10 Digital Marketing Books That You Can Not Miss

Discover the 10 books on digital marketing in Spanish that will teach you all the keys you need to improve your online visibility. Digital marketing has become an indispensable tool for any company or...
KPIs in your marketing plan

What Is A KPI And How To Choose The Best KPIs In Your Marketing Plan

In any strategy and marketing plan, a good measurement is the key to addressing the most appropriate decisions. Understand that it is a KPI will help us know that we must use indicator at...
Schools and digital transformation

Schools And Digital Transformation

Perhaps belatedly and with many difficulties, unequally (without a minimum symmetry to ensure equality of educational system), without proper guidance and without strategy. But, despite all these problems, and digital transformation schools are beginning...
Organizing Events

Organizing Events: Keys To Success

Organize any event requires a global strategic planning in which we must consider a number of keys that help us achieve the goal we seek, transmit brand values and create experiences that will endure...
Social networks to link the Internet with these tricks

Social Networks To Link The Internet With These Tricks

The way to meet people has dramatically changed thanks to the digital age. This does not mean it is good or bad, what he means is that there has been a change in the...
Landing Page

Create The Perfect Landing Page To Get More Conversions

Digital Marketing Trends Today, we invite you to the fundamentals that you must have your landing page to convert. To do this, we asked an opinion Online Marketing Rebels who have extensive experience creating...
10 key factors to position your online store

10 Key Factors To Position Your Ecommerce Online Store

One of the questions to be asked when we mount an ecommerce, either on platforms like Prestashop, Magento, WooCommerce, etc, is how will the users come to our online store? and here comes into...
7 Ways To Optimize Your Conversion Funnel

7 Ways To Optimize Your Conversion Funnel

Businesses often focus too much on the increase traffic to their websites, instead of worrying about converting traffic they already have. Maybe your visitors are accessing the page every day, even know what your...
Types Of Consumers

How These 3 Types Of Consumers Think And How To Convince

One way to understand the motivations of buyers is to appeal to your personality so that you can know what you think and how you can convince them to purchase the products. 1. Dominant...