How To Use Email Marketing To Your Advantage During Black Friday?

Black Friday Email Marketing

Black Friday Email Marketing

The countdown is about to begin, you are very close to living one of the greatest selling experiences; A feeling of euphoria begins to travel your body, your heart is accelerated, your senses are sharpened and in your mind there is only one objective,

    Get to increase your number of sales this next November 25 when Black Friday starts.

The biggest marathon of sales is about to begin, 24 uninterrupted hours of offers with the best discounts and promotions of the year, in which more and more products and new participating brands are added, making use of their best advertising strategies in which email marketing He does not wait.

Black Friday, an American tradition

It is the fall of 1975, a day after “thanksgiving” and on the streets of Florida in the United States, you begin to live a moment of high affluence in the shopping centers, people are observed to cross the corridors of the great Stores with a high level of excitement, in search of their favorite products and services, which for the only occasion are marketed at a better price.

Now, forty years later, it is still breathing in the air, this same euphoria by all the cities of the United States; This event that has become a true tradition and has managed to cross borders, extending to different countries in Latin America and Europe, where Spain celebrates its fourth year this year.

Ready, Set, Go!

It starts one of the biggest promotional races, in which all the brands compete against the clock, to be in the top positions of the shopping list.

An example of this is Amazon, which has already announced that it will start its bidding season starting next Monday, November 14, expecting to surpass its record of 560,000 orders in 24 hours. It is estimated that this e-commerce giant will take 7% of sales online.

Do not stay outside and compete like the big ones! Then I share tips, so that you excel during the 3 stages of this day of great discounts, used the email marketing in your favor.

  1. Heats engines.

As in any competition, the preparation phase will define how the performance of each of the participants will be, so you should start as soon as possible with an excellent campaign in which you do not waste time or money chasing your consumers through all means Of communication, so bear in mind that the marks have already begun to saturate them.

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According to a study by Fang Wu and Bernardo A. Huberman of Hewlett-Packard Laboratories in California, the memory of relevant news can remain on average 69 minutes in a person’s memory.

For this reason, you must carry out a campaign that stands out among the others, a campaign that in addition to being attractive, can scale in the minds of consumers, wrapping them in that explosion of emotions that only the “wow effect” can achieve.

Email marketing is a strategy that, being a “free consumer” communication medium, maintains a margin of attention and initial concentration, a little higher than any other channel, because we have chosen to check our email, performing a quick scan of The information that is found in them, in search of those points that arouse our interest.

Once you have decided what information you will send via email, it is time to design the content you will include in this, I recommend that you think of highly sensory elements that connect with the users’ minds.

To do this, you can choose to make a real video email campaign, for which you can support the Viwomail digital platform, which will help you embed a video in the body of the email, with the functionality of auto playback when open the email.

This new technology will allow you to capture the attention of your customers in a matter of seconds, thus making them pay attention to all the information you have to transmit.

Video email is a tool that in addition to seducing your customers in different ways, generates in them expectation, that desire to want to know more; Your users will be curious about your promotions, as a result of the high level of dynamism of the video, which will invite you to access your website, increasing your CTR by 173%.

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To reinforce this strategy, it is a good idea that before you begin to promote your discounts, make a “Quick Campaign of email marketing”, in which you present your customers your products and services, so they can make a mental list of what Expect to find it on Black Friday.

2. Starts!

The lowest prices are already a fact and your customers have already made a preliminary filter of all the items they will acquire during this day, thanks to the emails you have previously sent them, now it is time for them to surprise you by presenting them promotions and services that Do not wait, to ensure the consumption of your products and services.

Be extremely careful of how you will place the information in your shop windows and website, as it will depend on the decision to buy your customers. A very important element are the prices, which should look surprisingly attractive.

Yes your first option is to show a comparison in which you show the original price vs the promotional price, try not to want to deceive your consumers.

Do not put higher prices to the usual, to make the product seem more attractive, because this far from fulfilling this objective, could bring you strong criticism through social networks, damaging the image of your brand.

During this day, you are not limited to selling, but also to collect information from your consumers, such as:

  • The name and email, so you can increase your database and you can send your next promotions.
  • Ask them if there have been any promotions they wanted to find and they have not done so, so you know which products will be hooks that you can use at Christmas.

Finally, take advantage of this great day to continue creating consumer experiences by rewarding the loyalty of your customers, through email marketing let them know that they are not just another number in your monthly sales report, but are an important part of your Stakeholders.

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Make campaigns and special promotions for them, in which you offer them better discounts, applicable offers in their next purchases, sale of exclusive articles or Why not ?, liberals of the endless rows in the supermarket boxes and opening buying spaces Digital exclusive, pre sales or express parcels.

3. Final stage

Wait! It’s not the time to put an end to this race, because what looks like the end of this great marathon, is just the beginning of your Christmas campaign, thanks to this first stage and you will have started.

Therefore, now you must keep track of your campaigns, keep you in the minds of consumers and keep on informing them about your products and services.

Email marketing is an option that will allow you to maintain the interest of your buyers, through the sending of dynamic content such as the embedding of videos, which will help you to communicate more effectively and efficiently your new promotions.

Remember that within the advantages of email marketing with video, is the low economic outlay, because you can share that same video through social networks and YouTube.

Also take into account that you do not need to make great inventions of advertising campaigns during this month, because you already have several elements in your favor; Let’s start with the emotions.

Did you know that sadness, disappointment and even depression are emotions that increase a person’s consumption? This is because, with each purchase, a series of well-being-generating hormones, such as Adrenaline and dopamine.

As these same transmitters, are present during the periods of euphoria that we experience in events like Black Friday, in which people become more susceptible to make impulsive decisions, in the unconscious search of this sensation of pleasure.

So do not wait any longer and start putting these practical tips, which will not only help you during Black Friday, but also mark the beginning of your last email marketing campaign, closing in on this 2016.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.