Use Geolocation And Indoor Location To Attract Customers To Your Business

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  • Use Geolocation And Indoor Location To Attract Customers To Your Business
Raul Garcia Serapio

Raul Garcia Serapio

Many times we believe that digital marketing is online only, and this is not true. Digital marketing is based on enhancing the business throughout the digital world but this is not connected to the Internet. One example is the retail world, which is making great strides through digital.

Today we are pleased to have exclusively Raul G. Serapio, CEO of Neuromobile, which we will talk about indoor location and geolocation. He has experience of over 9 years in the sector of commercial areas and development of customer-focused technologies in different sectors, construction, education. It focused on gaining knowledge through experience, founded Neuromobile. Omnichannel management platform that integrates marketing solutions to increase competitiveness of all types of commercial areas, retail and tourism.

Listen carefully!

Summer is over and we return again to take our “blessed routine” work commitments, family … We are back regularly on the same sites. Gone are the places we have visited in these summer days, as the beach, a new city, mountain … These summer visits have been based on a series of individual decisions, in pairs or groups that have taken in response to our tastes and interests. And we have not forgotten to share photos, messages, tweets and posts on our social media of all that we have known We are product of our time! There is no doubt that we are connected in a physical and digital world, ie figital.

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In this time when both worlds come together, we all want to access data that allow us to know where our customers are or have been and if we can come to see us. That’s the goal: attract customers to the point of sale. Much is said about location, beacons, WiFi tracking, apps, geofencing … A hodgepodge of names that for many people is almost the same. And I have to tell you something, there is no perfect technology and all, absolutely all, they have their limitations.

In addition to the component of technological complexity, we must be ever vigilant to other equally important aspects. We recently known news about big fines have been imposed by geolocalizar and send messages without permission. The data privacy is again a rising and no longer serves appliances scannear put wifis: Apple and Android are putting means to prevent users from being crawled (and they do). Even some manufacturers of mobile block notifications for apps that do not consider interesting.

This is the environment of geolocation and usage. A continuous change, new challenges and many things to do. Let’s go to the point. This topic at hand, we have to differentiate 2 types of localization, foreign-based telephony antennas and GPS and indoor (indoor) based wireless tracking, beacons … The objectives or uses that can apply are varied and with a tremendous potential. All we have been able to personally experience the experience of receiving a notification, for example, when we are near a point of interest indicates a close by having a well-known restaurant travel app installed. It is not like this? And this, what does it mean? Receive notification at the right time space-time (near the restaurant at lunchtime) is to promote a high rate of success.

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But what if this location we use to “tune” more about our customer? Know if you live or work near an area of influence of our establishment is a fact that many businesses would like to know. True? And do you know if a customer visit to our competitors? The time you spend on it and how often you are going location data can provide us.

I’m sure you have already tried to find a store or a point of interest and you have fallen with open eyes to see that the mighty Google shows the slots with the frequency of visits. This is just the beginning of what geolocation can bring.

And we went to the indoor location What happens in a trade? For some time a lot of noise about this issue is heard. We took a couple of years where news about new location systems based on cameras, apps, wifi, beacons appear not stop …

I see clearly two goals for the indoor location: the first is to know or have a graphic support of how time is distributed in different areas of a commercial, tourist areas, etc. Ie, have a “heat map” and make decisions on the distribution of the local, its products or store personnel. According apply what technology can have more or less accurately, but we often forget that we need to get “accurate tile”. The second objective is to communicate and offer a different experience to know that our client has entered our home, making you feel special and unique, ie loyalty. A good message at the appropriate time is more than cash necessary. The location enables us to obtain and segment to fine-tune when and what to offer.

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In conclusion, technology gives us many options. If we have clear goals we know what to combine. Also, if we put all the data we get out of an establishment with what we know of in the perfect equation appears. Without going into Big Data concepts, with the analysis of a few data we can get great results. Knowing that Ana has been consulted fashion party in our app and then it took 3 hours to get to the point of sale, for example, it is a case of actual use are applying.

Everything is a matter of common sense and search of data quality.


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.