3 Brands That Were Inspired By Fifty Shades Of Grey To Create Engagement

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Fifty Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades Of Grey

Maybe when E.L. James wrote his first book of the trilogy Fifty Shades of Grey did not imagine the success would be in bookstores and that after becoming a best seller would want to adapt a film version. 

Also it predicted that the story starring Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele would cause such a furor brands would take his literary argument to make it the key message of their campaigns.

3 Brands That Were Inspired By Fifty Shades Of Grey To Create Engagement Share on X

And above precisely what happened with the history of the Fifty Shades of Grey, which has been a phenomenon that brands could not go unnoticed, so some firms related to sex, such as Trojan and Durex condoms used the context social and released about spots to attract their target audiences. Although not only companies directly linked to this sector did, so they did Audi in a very peculiar way.

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Note that these advertising campaigns have emerged on the eve of the premiere of the film production of Universal Studios, aiming to create engagement and leverage the euphoric context for the subject.

Here are three brands that took this literary and cinematic now to draw attention to their marketing phenomenon. For years before the book Fifty Shades of Grey, and caused a sensation among the female audience, it increased with the expectation that the premiere of the film produced by Universal Studios, which has raised global $ 240 million at the box office.

  1. Audi

Perhaps the scene they chose to engage the film Fifty Shades of Grey is not the most appropriate for a brand of luxury cars that could well exploit this feature and link with luxurious cars of Christian Grey, however, the public seems to have accepted positively this commercial in which the comedian Vanessa Bayer tries to call the attention of those who will step into the elevator, whether male or female.

  1. Durex

The slogan of this spot Durex brand condoms indicates that “the reality is better than fiction”. This commercial is based on the scene where Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele are known in the office of the tycoon and other small scenes like the elevator, which try to convince the viewer that reality can be more exciting than the best seller of the James.

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  1. Trojan

Fifty Shades of Pleasure, is the name of this spot of Trojan launched on the eve of the premiere of the film Fifty Shades of Grey in a funny parody of couples who want to emulate the sexual exploits between Christian Grey and Anastasia Steele ago, which narrate in a therapy session. The conclusion is that these maneuvers off the end what counts in a relationship is mutual pleasure. 


Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.