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Devendra Singh

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Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.

Digital Marketing Benefits

Top 10 Benefits of Digital Marketing for Every Small Business

As the fast growing of the internet and social media, the world of marketing is transforming from traditional marketing like TV ads, radio, billboards.. to digital marketing. In the latest updated from eMarketer, you...
3D Printing

Does Your Business Need to Adopt 3D Printing?

You might have already noted some of the innovations that 3D printing has recently brought to the world. Our news feeds regularly feature new and striking examples, from homes and vehicles to delicious edible...

10 Tips for Improving SEO Content in 2020

Due to this Corona pandemic, website owners have been facing a significant challenge. Apart from the unpropitious economy, the ranking of their websites is in great danger. Due to fewer online activities and adverse...
Graphic Design

How Graphic Design Boosts Your Marketing Strategy

Marketing and graphic design go hand in hand. If you want your marketing campaign to be successful, it needs to look exciting and intrigue people. This is where graphic design comes into play. At...
Content Marketing

How to Bring Empathy into Your Content- Practice Effective Content Marketing

In today’s digital era where the consumers now invest more than five hours per day on their smartphone devices, how do you decide to reach them? More significantly, how do you determine to attract...
Digital Marketing MBA

Top 7 Reasons Why Digital Marketing is Essential after MBA

A degree in marketing is a rewarding career path as more or less every business functioning in the world needs marketing. A combination of the marketing tactics and the internet has proven to be...
Content Marketers

Top 5 Mistakes of a Novice Content Marketer

Do you want to learn how to become a successful content marketer? Now hang on. You may wonder, what’s there to learn? Doing content marketing is super easy, right? Not necessarily. Believe it or...
Digital Personalizations

How is digital personalization creating a knowledge bubble for both customers and businesses?

Have you ever seen the advertisement of a product or service you were searching on Google appear in your Instagram stories as an ad? Do you wonder how it happens or why is it...
TikTok Brands Marketing

How These Popular Brands Are Making an Impression on TikTok

TikTok has quickly emerged as one of the most popular social media platforms among young users between the ages of 16 and 24. Thus, like plenty of other new social media platforms that young...
Machine Learning

How Machine Learning is Transforming Digital Marketing

Digital and machine these two words that go hand-in-hand in this modern era. Everything is either progressed onto the online domain or handled by an automated system. Moreover, automated processes or digital business is...
WordPress Developer Plugins

8 Best WordPress Plugins for WordPress Developer

There are a huge number of plugins accessible to WordPress clients. Such a large number of, actually, that it’s hard to tell which ones truly have any kind of effect and which are overhyped....
Digital Marketing Services

How Digital Marketing Services Thrives Your Business Venture?

Digital Marketing services are boon for individual business ventures, so when it is time to pick out a digital marketing agency has to make subtle decisions. There are plenty of ways to thrive on...
Ecommerce Traffic

Social Media Marketing Strategy To Boost Ecommerce Traffic?

Social platforms have emerged into an important medium for brands and businesses to sell their products. It is predicted that top brands will have 85% of business through social selling by 2023. All the...
SEO for Startups

Every Startups Need To Know These 7 Reasons Why SEO Matter

Any startup which invests in online marketing cannot afford to ignore search engine optimization (SEO). SEO comprises various activities that optimize a website for achieving a favorable rank when search results are displayed.  Here...
Link Building Techniques

7 Effective Link Building Techniques That Will Make Your Traffic Explode

When it comes to SEO we know that there are multiple factors which contribute to a website’s rankings.  There are On-page best practices, there is website speed, there is content, keyword utilization and more....