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Devendra Singh

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Devendra Singh

Director, Content Strategy at Digital Marketing Trends. I develop, evaluate, and improve the company's content strategies. Providing a big online presence for SMEs and StartUps.

Social Media Trends

Top 5 Social Media Trends in 2022

Social media arguably remains the best place where people from across the globe can come together. However, it is such a platform that changes constantly. Yes, what everyone does today on social media might...
Catchy Headlines Tips

Want To Get More Clicks? 9 Catchy Headlines Crafting Tips

A headline is the first element that will attract visitors to your page and engage them. So, you have to make it more attractive and catchy. If we talk about the newspaper, the first...
Email Marketing Strategy

Small Business Email Marketing Strategy & Tips for 2022

It’s not an understatement to say that email marketing is the king of marketing. Email marketing is cost-effective and gives better ROI than other marketing channels in the market. Every dollar spent on email...
Digital Marketing Courses

Top 6 Digital Marketing Courses That will Prepare You for a Successful Career in 2022

Employers are offering very lucrative salaries plus package benefits for people with certified skills in digital marketing. If this is a career domain you’re interested in and you are eager to drive your career...
Amazon Product Photography

Use Amazon Product Photography To Build Your Brand And Grow Sales

On Amazon, product images are how customers connect with your business. Viewing images allows them to touch and feel your goods and see them from various perspectives and in usage. In addition, high-quality images...
SEO Trends 2022

SEO Trends in 2022 – Where is SEO going?

Looking forward to 2022, what are the SEO trends most likely to make a difference to your business? 2021 is careering blindly into 2022 with complete disregard to those of us still trying to...
Ethical SEO Techniques

Winning Ethical SEO Techniques to Boost your Website’s SEO in 2022

Websites aren’t “moral,” and neither are the “bots”! Ethical SEO techniques are accepted Search Engine Optimization techniques that are visible. It is a “white hat,” obvious to a website visitor with no hidden tricks....
Best Business Languages

The Best Languages To Learn For Business in 2022

English has long been the world’s major business language, but it is slowly being outranked by other languages. With growing international trade and business interactions, more commerce is being conducted in different parts of...
Best Social Media Practices

Best Social Media Practices for Business Growth

Social media is not just a platform for sharing viral memes, videos, and trends. For businesses, it’s a way to leverage growth. However, this can only be achieved if your social media marketing campaign...
SEO Works

A Simplified Understanding Of How SEO Works: By Digital Marketing Professionals

With digital marketing flourishing like wildfire, especially after the turmoils of the pandemic faced by every business worldwide, people are trying to find newer ways to get recognized more.   But, SEO has become a...
Mobile App Development

The Top Trends Shaping Mobile App Development in 2022

Even if mobile apps haven’t been around that long, most of us can’t imagine having to live without them. Apps have turned our phones into devices that are essential for everyday life. We use...
Digital Marketing Agency

Why Hire a Digital Marketing Agency And Internet Advertising Company

Are you not attracting enough customers? Are you tired of promoting your business with no success? In such a case, hiring an experienced team of marketers is essential for managing your needs and growing...
Extract Textual Data

Which Technology is used to Extract Textual Data from Image?

OCR, an abbreviation for Optical Character Recognition, is an automated technique used for the extraction of data from images. It is often used to convert images to text. Utilizing OCR automation, one can impeccably...
YouTube Subscribers

Amazing Tricks To Increase Subscribers And Views On YouTube In 2022

Video content has established itself as much more engaging and engrossing in comparison to its regular text-based counterpart. Speaking of video content, the first platform that comes to mind is undoubtedly YouTube. This massive...
Full Stack Developers

Important Tips to Consider While Hiring Best Full-Stack Developers

Are you all ready to launch your brand website? great! Have you found the perfect developer for the website? No, and you are on a tight budget as well?  Fortunately, you have landed on...