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Digital Marketing

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Digital World Strategy

Benchmarking Oriented Digital World Strategy

All have heard of the technique Benchmarking used to compare products and services that implement a company with another market leader. This technique is intended to obtain relevant information with three objectives: to learn,...
Blended Marketing Future

Blended Marketing: The Marketing Future

The incursion of everything related to the digital world has changed many aspects of life, social relationships, professional and how to purchase among others. Adapting to these changes is necessary. Digital channels have an...
content marketing team

Content Marketing: The Dream Team

A while now there are many companies that have dedicated efforts to implement a content marketing strategy in your business. However I note that many of them just do not fully understand the operation...
Best Cities for Digital Nomads

Where To Find The Best Cities For Digital Nomads

Cities for digital nomads If you’re one of the lucky few who have the good fortune to work from anywhere around the world, or you just go take a break to travel, even just...

The Microblogging And Social Networking

Social networks continue to evolve day after day, these developments have allowed old trends of social media is still in full swing and bring the digital age to another level. Today, it is common...
Targeted Advertising Geolocation

Targeted Advertising Based On Geolocation

The market for applications and services based on geolocation are getting increasingly greater relevance and are becoming a very interesting option for marketing campaigns both large and small and medium enterprises (especially those that...
Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy Are Leading Change Or Follows The Trail?

A few years ago organizations valued their presence in the digital realm as a commendable initiative, an element of added value to your business plan, but not indispensable. In no time, it stopped being...
Leader In The Digital Era

How To Be A Leader In The Digital Era And Not Die Trying

New technologies have created a new world. A world that has broken with many traditions that in the past formed the basis of societies. Hierarchies, authority and command centers have been decentralized. Now, thanks...
Email Marketing

I Have A List Of Subscribers And Now What?

There are hundreds of websites offering delicious gifts and professionals to capture the email. If you know the power of email marketing, you too will have created a powerful magnet lead to offer it...
Indian Fashion Bloggers

Fever Of Indian Fashion Bloggers

What is happening with fashion bloggers? Most successful bloggers fashion nowadays, this activity started as a mere hobby. Over the years, the industry Indefinite blogs, has established its place in fashion, not only as...
Project Manager

Online Marketing Project Manager – Gold skills

Today, the business world assumes that online marketing is a necessary tool for project success. There is talk of media resources, digital platforms and even the most appropriate strategies in either case. It is...
Email Copywriting

Copywriting For Email Marketing

He has written extensively about Email Marketing. It is said to be one of the best online strategies that want to forge a close relationship with its customers. However, no one told you about...
Display Ads

Search Ads Will Be Overcome By Display Ads In 2016

Search ads are directly dependent on the interaction of users with the search engine for ads to run The consumer must provide cooperation for search ads are really successful, in other words, you must...
Embed Videos on Website

Embed Videos on Website: 7 Reasons Why Your Website Should Have Video

The video to display, in an entertaining way, almost any content we want to reach our users. But we can draw the match to have audiovisual material on our site goes far beyond.   Here...
Video Marketing Strategy

5 Applications That Will Make Easier Your Video Marketing Strategy

It is widely recognized the benefits of a good marketing strategy video – video best captures the attention of consumers.  Increase the time spent on the website promoting SEO influences the purchase decision, find...