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Digital Business Transformation Strategy

Digital Business Transformation Strategy: Digital Transformation Trends to Watch Out for

Digital transformation—one term that has been thrown around a lot, but we are still struggling to meet the expectations of this aggressive disruptor.  Businesses often consider this ‘phenomena’ as an overhaul, where they need...
Neuromarketing Ecommerce

Neuromarketing for business online: how to increase the revenue of your e-commerce

SEO, SEM, Content Marketing, Copywriting … the world of Digital Marketing is full of different areas that, properly managed, can take your business to the cusp of success. One of the less well-known areas,...
Ecommerce Sex Shop

Is it still profitable to create an ecommerce sex shop in Spain?

The Internet has changed our way of life. Over time, the human being has been accommodating to the point that technology solves many of their usual problems or facilitates much of the day to...
Good Strategy

Increase Productivity With A Good Leads Qualifying Strategy

According to the report by MarketingSherpa 61%  B2B marketing sends all its leads directly not rated sales department and usually only 27% of them will be qualified leads. If you do not want this...
Optimize Bounce Rate

Optimize Bounce Rate By Improving The User Experience

When we are creating and positioning our web there are many factors to consider. One of them is to know what visitors want to get into it, seeking or have experience on our website....
Heart Of The Customer

Get To The Heart Of The Customer In Times Of Crisis How Retention And Recruitment Tool

The marketing is changing a lot in recent years. Gone are the campaigns focused on inertia selling, without considering the potential customer, much less generate value to him to campaigns aimed at uncovering market...

Using The Hashtag In Your Online Marketing Strategy

Many English words have been added to the dictionary and have become accepted and used a term, such as the hashtag. Use either a hashtag is essential, but do we know how to do...
Digital World Strategy

Benchmarking Oriented Digital World Strategy

All have heard of the technique Benchmarking used to compare products and services that implement a company with another market leader. This technique is intended to obtain relevant information with three objectives: to learn,...
content marketing team

Content Marketing: The Dream Team

A while now there are many companies that have dedicated efforts to implement a content marketing strategy in your business. However I note that many of them just do not fully understand the operation...
Digital Strategy

Digital Strategy Are Leading Change Or Follows The Trail?

A few years ago organizations valued their presence in the digital realm as a commendable initiative, an element of added value to your business plan, but not indispensable. In no time, it stopped being...
Email Copywriting

Copywriting For Email Marketing

He has written extensively about Email Marketing. It is said to be one of the best online strategies that want to forge a close relationship with its customers. However, no one told you about...

The 6 Steps Of Growth Hacking At Startup Part 3

As in life itself, everything comes to an end, and could not be less in this series of publications about the startup and the process to make them grow exponentially. Last week I boarded...
Growth-Hacking at Startup

The 6 Steps Of Growth Hacking At Startup Part 2

Last week I started with this guide to implement growth hacking techniques on your startup, e-commerce or web. This week we will enter the field, and discuss the following two points, which in my...
Growth Hacking at Startup

The 6 Steps Of Growth Hacking At Startup Part 1

It is clear that there are no magic formulas to increase your website leads, but as I said last week, there is a new trend in development of startup, which may well be applied...
Mobile Marketing Companies

Mobile Marketing Companies: 9 Advantages Of Mobile Marketing Companies

In 1973 Martin Cooper invented the first radio telephone and was in the 19 // 83 when it was released the first mobile phone (portable) known as “brick”, but not until 20 years later...